Designing Patience Measurement Scale for adolescents

Document Type : Research Paper



This article reports a descriptive-normative research performed to design a scale and determine its reliability as well as authentication. Patience, on one hand, is a psychological concept, and on the other hand, is one of religious coping strategies which can help individuals overcome daily mental pressures, and omit or diminish their damages. To design needed questionnaire, Quran verses, interpretations, narration books and ethical works were consulted. The questionnaire is composed of 48 statements in the form of three categories namely "patience versus difficulty", "patience to obedience", and "patience to sin". Research population is 148 first-year girl students of Tehran high schools, selected using random cluster sampling. The validity of the scale has been approved by Quran and religion sciences experts' viewpoint, and its reliability was determined according to Cronbach's alpha (=0.866). By means of this suggested scale, adolescents who have not needed patience can be identified and thus influential steps can be taken towards their mental health using practical lessons originated from religion and psychological foundations
