An Islamic Pattern of Success at Work Based on Quran, Narrative Books, and the Supreme Leader's Statements

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D., University of Isfahan, Corresponding Author

2 Ph.D., University of Isfahan, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences


Success at work energizes and empowers us to do a better job. Although the roots of success at work have a long history in Islamic texts, it has been considered in Western research texts for a few years. This study aimed to present an Islamic pattern of the factors of success at work based on religious texts, including Quran, narrative books, and the Supreme Leader's statements. This qualitative study applied a content analysis method. The data were organized by MAXQDA-11 software. According to the study, the five core codes of success at work are as follows: good practice, knowledge acquisition, valuing time, attempt, and stability in goals. Learning and energetic life are the two core codes in Western research texts. Since these two codes are considered a subset of the two core codes of knowledge acquisition and attempt, they can merge into them; thus, an Islamic pattern of the factors of success at work were presented.


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