Identifying the Dimensions of the Needs of the Spiritual Life of Human Resources in Sahifa Sajadieh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Lorestan University, Researcher of University of Qom,

2 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Lorestan University, Corresponding Author

3 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Lorestan University


The needs of spiritual life are related to the spiritual dimension of human existence, and the proper provision of these needs can form the fundamental basis for the growth of a healthy, capable and prosperous human being. In the organizational dimension, the existence of decent human resources is the main asset of any organization and, therefore, one of the most important factors in improving the productivity of the organization is the ability to motivate employees based on recognizing the spiritual needs of human beings. Also, cultural differences, harms caused by the use of Western motivational models, the need to increase productivity and the weakness of motivational tools in Iranian organizations require that indigenous models to identify human needs and motivation and in terms of spiritual delicacy based on Islamic culture. In line with this goal, in this study, Sahifa Sajadieh was used as a data source in order to develop a model. In this research, the content analysis method and Maxqda software were used to analyze the data and after exploring the data set, a new model of needs based on Islamic culture was presented called Need for Spiritual Life" whose fourteen organizing themes are defined. They are different from human resource needs.
