An Investigation into the Relationship between Self-Concept and God-Image in the Religious-Spiritual Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of present research was to investigate the relationship between self-concept and God-image in the religious-spiritual treatment of psychiatric disorders. This research reviewed the Islamic texts and experimental studies in order to analyze the relationship between self-concept and God-image. The findings showed that the presence and enrichment of knowledge and religious beliefs about the image of God do not result in the correction of God-image and mental health in all people in religious-spiritual treatment. Some Quran verses mention strong, impervious, inflexible, and stable structures against the presence and penetration of knowledge and religious beliefs. Many narratives say that the correction of self-concept causes to a spiritual growth and a correct God-image. The experimental studies and clinical observations done by the authors also confirm that there is a relationship between them. Therefore, the correction and adjustment of self-concept are important factors for the correction of God-image and people's mental health in religious-spiritual treatment, especially in chronic psychiatric disorders and personality disorders in which there are faulty self-concepts (fundamental assumptions and maladaptive schemas).


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