Document Type : Research Paper
M.A., Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Bandarabas Branch, Bandarabas, Iran
Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Bandarabas Branch, Bandarabas, Iran, Corresponding Author
Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Psychology, Research Institute of Hawzah and University, Qom, Iran
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of an integrated monotheistic treatment on improving three components of patience, hope, and existential anxiety among depressed women, because the depression is one of the most common mental disorders among women, and the components of patience and hope play an important role in relieving this disorder. Research design is a quasi-experimental type with a pretest-posttest and a control group. The sample consists of 40 women referring to the counseling center of Islamic Azad University in Bandarabas who were recognized as depressed ones according to Beck depression inventory. They were randomly placed in two test and control groups. To gather the data, the inventories of Beck depression, hope, patience, and existential anxiety were applied. The members of the test group underwent an integrated monotheistic treatment during 12 sessions of individual counseling. The pretest-posttest data were analyzed by the analysis of covariance. According to this analysis, after the intervention, there was a significant difference between the test and control groups in terms of the variables of patience (F=376.37, P=0.0001), hope (F=22.91, P=0.0001), and existential anxiety (F=27.37, P=0.0001). Regarding these results, it can be claimed that the integrated monotheistic treatment has affected the improvement of the components of patience, hope, and existential anxiety among depressed women.