The Methodology of Qualitative Analysis of the Content of Religious Texts: Theoretical Foundations and Implementation Phases

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Al-Mustafa International University


This research based on an Islamic approach was conducted with the purpose of introducing the methodology of qualitative analysis of the content of religious texts and its function in psychological researches. The methodology of this research is descriptive-analytical and is for tool developing. The methodology of qualitative analysis of the content of religious texts is derived from linguistic studies, semantic field theory, and efforts made in understanding religious texts (literary, fundamental, and interpretative), and it has one basic principle and nine sub-principles which are implemented in four phases (systematic observation, content immersion, data formatting, final review, and reporting). Each phase contains several steps. The basis of the methodology of qualitative analysis of the content of religious texts is an active textual processing in which the researcher analyzes textual data (concepts and the statements of religious texts) to the extent that he/she reaches the general constructs of meaning. The active textual processing means a practice by which the data are collected, analyzed, classified, and formed in a new way. The main purpose of this research is that the researcher understands psychological inferences through the concepts and statements of religious texts; thus, the textual processing begins with general descriptions and analyses, and results into deeper, more complicated, abstract, and semantic analyses.


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