Constructing a Native Scale of Irrational Beliefs in Marriage

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Research Institute of Hawzah and University

2 Higher Education Institute of Ethics and Education

3 Hoda Faculty



One of the challenges of marriage is the irrational and harmful beliefs in choosing a spouse. The lack of indigenous tools in this subject has encountered problems the clinical investigations and researches in this field. The purpose of this research is to design, build and examine the psychometric properties of the native scale of irrational beliefs in marriage. For this purpose, the initial version of the scale was compiled based on the modification of the questionnaire of mate-selection constraining beliefs, and developed with Islamic studies and beliefs of clients and participants of premarital counseling and training. This form was implemented among 339 single boys and girls, along with the questionnaire of limiting beliefs in choosing a spouse. The findings confirmed the appropriate validity and reliability of this 90-item and 13-factor scale (ignoring feeling, pessimism, egocentric, fatalism, the magic of love, spiritual mistake, extreme optimism, inefficient solution, strictness, exclusive love, perfectionism, dysfunctional symptoms, matchmaking). The use of this scale can open the way for evaluations in the field of education and premarital counseling.
