Investigating spiritual needs in Islamic view point in "religion and life" books

Document Type : Research Paper


1 aculty member of Islamic Azad University, Oroumieh Branch

2 PhD student in management and educational planning at Oroumieh University


This study was aimed at analyzing the content of "religion and life" books in high schools to determine the extent of students' involvement with the content of the book. To do this, having determined the spirituality variables (needs of existence, spiritual safety seeking, friendship with God, munificence and spiritual self - actualization) as criteria for analysis and considered paragraphs of each lesson as the unit of analysis, the researchers analyzed the content of the text and the questions applying William Rumi (1986) method. The results revealed less than average attention to spiritual needs in all three high school books (the involvement quotient was less than one). The only difference was the second grade "religion and life" book which answered these needs more than the first and the third grade books (the involvement quotient was close to one). Thus it seems necessary to apply required changes and adaptations in textbooks and to pay optimized attention to spirituality in order to promote prosperity and other worldly perfection.
