Journal of Studies in Islam and Psychology (JSIP) is an open access, double-blind, peer-reviewed quarterly journal, owned, managed, and published by Research Institute of Hawzah and University (RIHU) since 2007. Journal of Studies in Islam and Psychology is devoted to Islamic studies of psychological processes and phenomena. This journal provides a means for sustained discussion of psychologically relevant issues that can be examined empirically and concern Islam in the most general sense. Journal of Studies in Islam and Psychology has been established as the first scientific publication in the field of psychology with an Islamic approach in Iran to provide an intellectual platform for national and international researchers working on issues related to Islamic psychology and counselling. 

Country of Publication:                   Iran

Publisher and owner:                       Research Institute of Hawzah and University

Publication Format:                          Online

Print ISSN:                                         2008-1103

E-ISSN:                                               2588-4727

Available from:                       ،، ،  

Acceptance Rate:                              5/7%

Frequency:                                        Quarterly

Advance Access:                               Yes

Language:                                         Persian with extended English abstracts

Scope:                                               Islamic Psychology and Counselling (interdisciplinary)

Article Submission charges:           free of charge

Article Processing Charges (APC): 6,000,000 Iranian Rial (IRR)
Type of Journal:                               Scholarly, Academic & Peer-reviewed

Open Access:                                    Yes

Peer Review Policy:                         Double-Blind

Review Time:                                  12 weeks

Journal Editorial Contact:    

Alternate E-mail Address:    

Current Issue: Volume 18, Issue 35, October 2024, Pages 1-190 

Counseling Model of the Agency of "I" Based on Allameh Mohammad Taghi Jafari's View

Pages 63-105


Fereshteh Paknejad; Masome Esmaeili; Yasser Rezapour Mirsaleh; Abdollah Nasri

The Construction and Validation of Family Attitude Questionnaire Based on Islamic Sources

Pages 173-190


saeed sharif yazdi; Abbas Ali Haratiyan; Mohammad Reza Jahangirzadeh Qomi; Masoomeh Soltanipour

Publication Information

Research Institute of Hawzah and University; "Hawzah wa Dāneshgāh Research Institute"

Director-in-Charge Editor-in-Chief Editorial Board Journal Staff
Print ISSN
Online ISSN

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