A, h
The Effectiveness of the Group Education of Islamic Meditation Pattern on Life Style and the Married Women's Generalized Anxiety [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 57-82]
A, M
The Development of Social and Psychological Capitals in the Light of Islamic Life Style [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 27-56]
Abasi, Mahdi
A Model of Emotional-Spiritual Self-Awareness Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 203-225]
Abbasi, Mahdi
Increasing satisfaction and sexual intercourse, spouses commit to sexual interventions [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 151-193]
Abbasi, Mahdi
Spiritual Factors and Interventions Preventing the Progress of Couples in the Stages of Divorce According to Islamic Sources [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 7-32]
Abdeli Soltan Ahmadi, Javad
Investigating spiritual needs in Islamic view point in "religion and life" books [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 7-36]
Abdi, Hamzeh
Introduction of a Pattern for Adjusting the Interest Based on the Islamic Piety and Making Comparisons between the Pattern and the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Reducing the Anxiety [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 57-86]
Abdi Zarrin, Sohrab
Development of a Marital Satisfaction Model Based on Self-Differentiation with the Mediating Role of Family Boundaries [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 33-57]
Abdkhodaei, Mohammad Saeid
The God's Control Mechanisms on the Individuals' Behavior and Their Effects on Adjusting the Social Behavior from Viewpoint of the Koran [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 55-82]
Abedi, Ahmad
Efficacy of "teaching spirituality" on the "couples' Marital Adjustment " [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 95-112]
Abedi, Ahmad
Study of the Relationship between Sport Ethics and Religious Beliefs as an Element of Spiritual Intelligence [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 99-110]
Abedi, Ahmad
The Effect of Religious Cognitive Behavioral Education on the Guilt-Feeling of Esfahan's Infertile Couples [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 89-101]
Abedi, Ahmad
An Analysis of the Juvenile and Youth Felons' Mental Picture of God [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 119-128]
Abedi, Ahmad
A study of relationship between religiousness aspects and happiness of students of Isfahan Girls' High Schools [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 45-58]
Abedi, Mohammad Reza
Developing a Self-Respect Inventory Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 75-105]
Conceptual model of critical thinking based on Islamic sources [(Articles in Press)]
Abedy, Ahmad
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Training with an Islamic Approach on Students' Life Satisfaction [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 43-57]
Afshani, Seyed Ali Reza
The Investigation into the Relationship between Islamic Life Style and Social Health among People of Yazd City [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 83-103]
Aghababaei, Naser
The Relationship of the HEXACO Model of Personality with Religious Orientation and Psychological and Subjective Well-Being in Iran and Poland [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 33-53]
Aghababaei, Naser
The Prediction of Inner Comfort Based on the Attitude to Religion with the Mediation of Hope and the Meaning of Life [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 109-134]
Aghah Haris, Mojgan
The Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Therapy with and without the Use of Tales of Masnavi on the Opposing Women's Mental Health [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 129-152]
Aghajany, Tahmoures
Developing and validating the modesty questionnaire and examining its psychometric properties [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 61-90]
AghamirMohammadAli, Zahra
Identification and Categorization of Spiritual Factors in Studies Related to Grief and Pathological Grief: A Systematic Review [(Articles in Press)]
Aghayousefi, Alireza
The Effect of the Variables of Multidimensional Spiritual Pattern on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with the Mediation of Dysfunctional Beliefs [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 129-153]
Ahadi, Hasan
The Effectiveness of the Short-Term Pattern of Spiritually Multidimensional Psychotherapy (SMP) on Controlling the Depression Symptoms [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 135-168]
Ahi, Ghasem
The Role of Dark Triad of Personality, Material Preoccupations, and Sorrow of Being Compared in Deadly Sins [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 93-112]
Ahmadi, Khodabakhsh
The Effectiveness of Modesty Education on the Reduction of Internet Addiction and High-Risk Behaviors [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2018, Pages 1-22]
Ahmadi, Khodabakhsh
Is the Patience the Resilience? Applied Conceptualization of Patience for Critical Situations [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 163-187]
Ahmadi, Khodabakhsh
The Relationship of Meaning of Life and Religious Beliefs with the Type and Extent of Acute Stress Reactions after the Disclosure of Spouse''''s Infidelity [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 61-82]
Ahmadi, Maryam
The Effect of the Variables of Multidimensional Spiritual Pattern on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with the Mediation of Dysfunctional Beliefs [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 129-153]
Ahmadi, Mehrnaz
Mediating role of Critical Thinking in relation between Spirituality and Mental Health [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 7-33]
Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza
The Relationship between the Structure of Patriarchal Authority in the Individual's Family of Origin and the Efficiency of Family [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 135-150]
Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza
A Psychological Analysis of the Rites of Hajj [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 69-92]
Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza
Preparation of the Initial Questionnaire for the Success of the Imam Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 89-104]
Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza
Conceptual model of critical thinking based on Islamic sources [(Articles in Press)]
Ahmadi, Mohammad-Reza
A study of the effectiveness of hajj rituals in the mental health of hojjaj [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 47-73]
Ahmadi, Sayed Ahmad
Examining the Effect of Group Religious and Cognitive –behavioral Psychotherapy on Self-esteem and Marital Attitudes of Male Prisoners of the City of Qom [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 31-61]
Ahmadi, Seyed Ahmad
The impact of "behavioral – cognitive bereavement care in Islamic view" on "general health of the bereaved family" [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 113-134]
Ahmadi Rostami, Adeleh
Extreme Makeup or Simplicity: Moral Foundations, Personal Values and the Meaning of Life in Women [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 31-51]
Ajam, Ali Akbar
The Influence of Satellite Direct and Indirect Educations on Marital Conflict and Attitude to Marital Infidelity [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 125-146]
Ajam, Ali Akbar
The Effectiveness of Quranic Stories on Philosophical Mentality and Critical Thinking Tendency among the Sixth Grade Elementary School Girl Students [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 51-68]
Akbari Zardkhaneh, Saeed
The Formulation of a Therapy Protocol According to the Mindfulness Based on the Activation of Spiritual-Islamic Schemas in the Students' Marital Satisfaction [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 7-28]
Akhlagi, Halimeh
The Effectiveness of Couples Therapy with a Religious Approach on Marital Satisfaction [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 177-203]
Akoochakian, Ahmad
A study of impact of providing Islam-based education to parents on adolescents' self-esteem [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 119-140]
Al, so
The Relationship between the Status Change of Interpersonal Identity and Religious Identity in Students [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 83-97]
Alavi, seyedHamidReza
The Impact of Religiosity on Joyfulness of the Girl Students of the Middle Schools and High Schools of District No. 2 in Kerman [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 59-82]
Ali Mohammadi, Kazem
The Construction and Validation of a Scale for Measuring the Tollab's Job Talent [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 56-86]
Alinejad, Farzaneh
The Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Therapy with and without the Use of Tales of Masnavi on the Opposing Women's Mental Health [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 129-152]
Alipor, Ahmad
Psychology of Perfection in the Holy Quran [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 111-132]
Alizadeh, glavij
The Influence of Hope Therapy Instruction with the help of Quranic Stories on the Increase of Hope among Students [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 59-76]
Alizadeh, hamid
A Model of Couple Burnout in Relation with the Multi-Dimensional Pattern of Connection with God and Though and Language Controls [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 7-30]
Alizadeh Zarei, Marzieh
Hedyehaye Asemani (Divine Gifts) and Litrature Textbooks of Primary School and Their Approach to Mahdiism: A Content Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 7-26]
Amini, Mohammad
Hedyehaye Asemani (Divine Gifts) and Litrature Textbooks of Primary School and Their Approach to Mahdiism: A Content Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 7-26]
Amini, Nasrin
The Role of Cognitive Processes and Type 2 Diabetic Women's Blood Sugar Index in the Effectiveness of the Education of Secularism Harms Based on the Teachings of Nahj al-Balagha [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 27-50]
Amini tehrani, Mohammad
A Conceptual Pattern of Quran-Based Motivation (Qualitative Content Analysis) [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 53-70]
Amir Fakhraei, Azita
The Effectiveness of an Integrated Monotheistic Treatment on the Components of Existential Anxiety, Patience, and Hope among Depressed Women [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 95-115]
Amiri, Shu’leh
The Relationship between Different Dimensions of Religiosity and Moral Identity in Students of Isfahan University [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 65-77]
Ansari, Hasan
An Investigation into the Influence of Correct God-Image on Depression Confrontation [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 147-163]
Ansari, Hasan
An Investigation into the Relationship between Self-Concept and God-Image in the Religious-Spiritual Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 119-134]
Ansari, Hassan
Developing a treatment protocol for narcissistic personality disorder based on multidimensional spiritual therapy and Islamic sources [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 187-216]
Ansari, Hassan
Effectiveness of an intervention protocol based on multidimensional spiritual therapy in reducing narcissistic symptoms and improving personality functions of narcissistic personality disorder: a single case study [(Articles in Press)]
Ansari, Maryam
An Inquiry into the Role of Faith and Hope in Life and its Effects on Man's Mental Health [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 123-142]
Aqababaee, naser
Measuring Gratitude among University and Religious Students: An Enquiry into the psychometric features of the Gratitude Questionnaire [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 75-88]
Arab Baferani, Hamid Reza
The Relationship between Meta-Worry and Religious Doubt among Students [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 87-104]
Arab Bafrani, Hamid Reza
Efficacy of "teaching spirituality" on the "couples' Marital Adjustment " [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 95-112]
Arji, Akram
The Relationship of the HEXACO Model of Personality with Religious Orientation and Psychological and Subjective Well-Being in Iran and Poland [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 33-53]
Aryanpour, Hamidreza
A Study on the Structural Relationships of Personality Traits and Political Participation among Students with the Mediation of Religious Beliefs [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 25-53]
ASadzadeh, Hasan
The Formulation and Validation of an Educational Package of Academic Resilience Based on an Integrated Monotheistic Approach for Second High School Students [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 105-127]
Asar, Maryam
The Role of the Main Aspects of Personality in the Relationship with God [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 103-126]
Asgari, Ali
The Application of Semantic Fields Theory in the Vocabulary Studies of Personality Structure based on the Islamic Sources [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 7-38]
Asgari, Ali
Classification Patterns of Personality Attributes in the Islamic Sources [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 7-31]
Ashrafi Salimkandi, Farshid
Investigating the effect of Islamic lifestyle on academic self-efficacy with the mediating role of happiness among students [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 143-162]
Askari, Parviz
Relationship of "Affective Family Environment" and "Religious Orientation" with "Addiction Tendency" [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 7-26]
Asmaeli, Maryam
A Meta-Analysis of Spiritual Intelligence Studies [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 149-175]
As’adi, Samaneh
Comparing religious attitude and religious faith strength among girl pupils and students of Isfahan [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 97-111]
Ayenehchi, Abbas
Developing Content Conceptual Model Abnormal Self-Centralization on the Islamic Sources [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 1-17]
Azad, Yasin
The Mediating Role of Adaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in the Relationship between Spiritual Well-Being and Resilience in Veterans (Janbazan) [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 41-62]
Azarbaijani, Masood
Self-Confidence Model in the Islamic Ethics [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 119-137]
Azarbaijani, Masood
Religiousness effects from William James's perspective [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 117-148]
Azarbaijani, Masoud
The Parents' Influence on the Children's Religiosity from the View of Psychology of Religion [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 25-46]
Azarbaijani, Masoud
A Content Analysis of the Imam Ali's Sayings in terms of the Change Objectives in the Human's Behavior and Psyche [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 95-118]
Azarbaijani, Masoud
The Construction and Validation of a Scale for Measuring the Tollab's Job Talent [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 56-86]
Azarbaijani, Masoud
The Formulation of a Therapy Protocol According to the Mindfulness Based on the Activation of Spiritual-Islamic Schemas in the Students' Marital Satisfaction [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 63-84]
Azarbayejani, Mas'oud
Theoretical principles of "managing role of man" in family with psychological approach [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 149-168]
Azarbayejani, Masoud
Pathological Analysis of Fulfilling the Spiritual Needs of Spouses within the Framework of Quran-Based Spiritual Health [(Articles in Press)]
Azarbayejani, massod
Creativity Levels Based on Transcendental Wisdom [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 117-147]
Azarbayjani, Masood
Spiritual Health Scale Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 217-239]
Azizollahi, Zahra
"taking History in psychotherapy"and conflict with "Exploration from the perspective of Islam" [(Articles in Press)]
Bagheri, Fariborz
A Content Analysis of the Imam Ali's Sayings in terms of the Change Objectives in the Human's Behavior and Psyche [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 95-118]
An Investigation into the Relationship between Altruistic Personality and the Sense of Self-Worth with the Mediation of Spiritual Intelligence among Students of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 7-37]
Bagheri Sheykhangafshe, Farzin
The Role of Religion and Spirituality in the Life of the Elderly in the Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic: A Systematic Review [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 273-292]
Bagherzadeh, Khadijeh Sadat
The Relationship of Meaning of Life and Religious Beliefs with the Type and Extent of Acute Stress Reactions after the Disclosure of Spouse''''s Infidelity [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 61-82]
Bahadori Jahromi, Rohollah
The role of religiosity and religious-spiritual struggles in predicting death anxiety with the mediation of personality organization. [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 117-142]
Bahrami, Fatima
Examining the Effect of Group Religious and Cognitive –behavioral Psychotherapy on Self-esteem and Marital Attitudes of Male Prisoners of the City of Qom [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 31-61]
Bahrami, Hadi
The Semantics of Generalized Anxiety Disorder from the View of the Holy Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 89-115]
Bahrami Ehsan, Hadi
The Elementary Making of a Scale for Diagnosing the Depression Based on Some Quranic Verses [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 153-180]
Bahrami Ehsan, Hadi
Role of Dyadic Expectations and Healthy Relations in Prediction of Dyadic Satisfaction [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 27-42]
Bakhshudeh, Asma
Role of Dyadic Expectations and Healthy Relations in Prediction of Dyadic Satisfaction [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 27-42]
Banari, Ali Hemmat
The Principles of Parenting in the Ahl al-Bayt's Life Style [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 135-152]
Baniasadi, Hasan
Relationship between Religiosity, Personality and Teacher's Metal Health [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 7-32]
Baqeri, Masood
Relationship between Religiosity, Personality and Teacher's Metal Health [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 7-32]
Baratian, Rouhollah
Extreme Makeup or Simplicity: Moral Foundations, Personal Values and the Meaning of Life in Women [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 31-51]
Baratian, Ruhollah
Sexual Modesty, Self-Compassion, and Attachment Styles to God; A Comparison between Couples Seeking Divorce and Normal Couples [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 125-145]
Baratian, Ruhollah
Attitude toward God, self and others in schizophrenic, bipolar and depressed patients: A qualitative and comparative study [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 19-32]
Barazandeh, Fatemeh
Developing and validating the modesty questionnaire and examining its psychometric properties [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 61-90]
Barzegar Bafruee, Morteza
Role of Religious Affiliation and Gender in Test Anxiety [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 43-61]
Bashiri, Abolghasem
Theological Foundations and Its Role in Islamic Psychology [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 113-136]
Bayat, Ali
Formulating a Conceptual Model of Wisdom Based on Islamic Sources: Grounded Theory [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 7-36]
Bayat, Ali
Spiritual Health Scale Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 217-239]
Bayati Eshkaftaki, Monireh
The Effectiveness of an Integrated Monotheistic Treatment on the Components of Existential Anxiety, Patience, and Hope among Depressed Women [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 95-115]
Bazazian, Saeideh
The Relationship of Psycho-Spiritual Development Level and Loneliness with Existential Anxiety among the Students [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 5-24]
Beheshti, Mohammad
An Overview of Learning Issues in the Philosophy of Illumination [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 119-133]
Beheshti, Mohammad
The Construction and Psychometric Validation of an Assessment Scale for the Iranian High School Adolescents' Religiosity [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 85-108]
Beirami, Mansor
The impact of “identity styles” and “coping strategies” on “accepting mastership (Velayat)” [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 125-145]
Belchenu, Agatha
The Relationship of the HEXACO Model of Personality with Religious Orientation and Psychological and Subjective Well-Being in Iran and Poland [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 33-53]
Beliad, Mohammad Reza
The Effectiveness of the Short-Term Pattern of Spiritually Multidimensional Psychotherapy (SMP) on Controlling the Depression Symptoms [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 135-168]
Beshlideh, Kioumars
The Role of Perceived Stress and Positive Affect as Mediators in the Relationship between Religious Orientation and Mental Health [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 129-146]
Borjali, ahmad
An Investigation into the Relationship between Islamic Lifestyle and Marital Satisfaction with the Mediation of Optimism [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 43-62]
Borjali, Ahmad
The Prediction of Inner Comfort Based on the Attitude to Religion with the Mediation of Hope and the Meaning of Life [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 109-134]
Braghi Irani, Ziba
Suffering statistics and spiritual needs assessment of female heads of households in Bandar Anzali [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 163-185]
Chopani Suri, Murad
Examining the Effect of Group Religious and Cognitive –behavioral Psychotherapy on Self-esteem and Marital Attitudes of Male Prisoners of the City of Qom [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 31-61]
Daemi, Fatemeh
The Influence of Early Maladaptive Schemas on Psycho-Spiritual Transformation: A Mediator Variable in Psychotherapy [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 7-26]
Darvishi, Zeinolabedin
Investigating the effect of Islamic lifestyle on academic self-efficacy with the mediating role of happiness among students [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 143-162]
Dastani, Mahboubeh
An Overview on the Experimental Situation of Psychotherapy in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 145-190]
Davari, Mohammad
The God's Control Mechanisms on the Individuals' Behavior and Their Effects on Adjusting the Social Behavior from Viewpoint of the Koran [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 55-82]
Davari, Safoora
Relationship between Religiosity, Personality and Teacher's Metal Health [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 7-32]
Davoudi, Mohammad
Lifestyle with a Comparative Approach between the Allameh Tabatabai's and Dalai Lama's Viewpoints [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 59-87]
Davudi, Hossein
The Prediction of the Level of Self-Control among Male and Female High School Teenagers Based on the Level of Islamic Patience and Religious Orientation [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 67-86]
Dehestani, Mahdi
An Investigation into the Role of Personality Factors in Predicting the Different Religiosity Aspects: Based on the Big Five Personality Factors [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 87-104]
Dehghani, Mehri
An Investigation into the Relationship between the Spiritual Intelligence and the Organizational Commitment among the Teachers [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 105-132]
Dehghani, Mostafa
The Effect of Religious-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Marital Adjustment and Mental Health [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 85-103]
Dehghni Shooroki, Mohammad
The Concept of Transcendental Growth and Its Relationship with Other Human Transformational Dimensions [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 106-126]
Deljou, Zahra
The Relationship of Psycho-Spiritual Development Level and Loneliness with Existential Anxiety among the Students [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 5-24]
Dibaji, Sayyed Meysam
An Islamic Pattern of Success at Work Based on Quran, Narrative Books, and the Supreme Leader's Statements [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 7-28]
Diyarian, Mohammad Masoud
Developing a Self-Respect Inventory Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 75-105]
Ebrahimi, HamidReza
Identifying the Dimensions of the Needs of the Spiritual Life of Human Resources in Sahifa Sajadieh [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 227-253]
Ebrahimi, Seyed Mohsen
The Role of the Main Aspects of Personality in the Relationship with God [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 103-126]
Ebrahimi Dehshiri, Mohammad Hasan
The Nature of Islamic Psychology, a Priori or a Posteriori? [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 135-155]
Ebrahimi.Qavam, Soghra
The Formulation and Validation of an Educational Package of Academic Resilience Based on an Integrated Monotheistic Approach for Second High School Students [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 105-127]
Ebrahimpour, Ghodsieh
The Role of Psychological Flexibility, Emotional Empathy, and Spiritual Experiences in the Prediction of Marital Satisfaction of Married Women [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 149-171]
Eftekhari, Jaber
An Analysis of the Books "The Gifts of Heaven" of Elementary Period in Terms of Prosperity Components [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 145-162]
Enayat, Halimeh
Investigating the relation between "Parents' level of religiosity" and "their violent behavior towards their children" [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 69-94]
Esmaeeli, Masoomeh
An investigation into influence of development of Islamic ontology on activating components of emotional intelligence quality [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 33-44]
Esmaeili, Mahmoud Reza
Identifying the Dimensions of the Needs of the Spiritual Life of Human Resources in Sahifa Sajadieh [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 227-253]
Esmaeili, Masome
Counseling Model of the Agency of "I" Based on Allameh Mohammad Taghi Jafari's View [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 63-105]
Esmaeili, Zohre
Designing a pathology model of self-imposed training method from the perspective of verses and hadiths based on the data-based theory [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 83-103]
Esmaili, Bahman
The impact of “identity styles” and “coping strategies” on “accepting mastership (Velayat)” [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 125-145]
Estabraghi, Elham
Modifying effect of believing in Day of Judgment on the relation between believing in just and unjust world and psychological well being [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 75-94]
Eydi Baygi, Majid
The Effect of Religious-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Marital Adjustment and Mental Health [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 85-103]
Fadaei, Ehsan
A Conceptual Pattern of Quran-Based Motivation (Qualitative Content Analysis) [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 53-70]
Fadaei, Mahdi
The Position of Satire in the Ahl al-Bayt's Life Style [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 183-198]
Faghihi, Alinaghi
A comparative study of Human from Roger's and Islam's perspective [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 143-167]
Faghihi, Alinaghi
Comparing Islamic multifacets model with Beck's cognitive model in depression therapy [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 69-86]
Faghihi, Ali Naghi
The Solutions of Improving the Children's Mental Health; According to the Ahl al-Bayt's Life Style [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 79-104]
Faghihi, Ali Naghi
A Study of the Shortcomings of Today's Psychological Views about the Normality and Abnormality Criteria and Explaining Those from the Islamic View [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 105-128]
Faghihi, Ali Naghi
An Investigation into the Influence of Correct God-Image on Depression Confrontation [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 147-163]
Faghihi, Ali Naghi
Anger Management Based on Religious Teachings and Modern Psychology [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 43-63]
Fahimifar, Mohammad Javad
The Formulation of a Therapy Protocol According to the Mindfulness Based on the Activation of Spiritual-Islamic Schemas in the Students' Marital Satisfaction [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 7-28]
Faker, Hossein
An Assessment of "Mental-Spiritual Upheaval" in Treatment of Religious Clients [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 49-70]
Fallah, Ahmad
An Investigation into the Relationship between Islamic Lifestyle and Marital Satisfaction with the Mediation of Optimism [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 43-62]
Fallah, Mohammad Javad
The Position of Satire in the Ahl al-Bayt's Life Style [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 183-198]
Farahani, Hojjatollah
Explaining the Natural Attributes of Human Psyche from the View of Quran [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 71-88]
Farahani, Hujjatullah
Measuring Gratitude among University and Religious Students: An Enquiry into the psychometric features of the Gratitude Questionnaire [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 75-88]
Farahbakhsh, Kiumars
The Formulation of a Therapy Protocol According to the Mindfulness Based on the Activation of Spiritual-Islamic Schemas in the Students' Marital Satisfaction [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 63-84]
Faraji, Farahnaz
The Effectiveness of God-Given Multidimensional Spiritual Therapy on Perceived Spirituality and Selfconcept-Godconcept among Red Crescent Staff with Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 185-201]
Faramarzi, Salar
The Relationship between Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence of Students [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 7-23]
Fariani, Sayid Morteza
Consequences of the peace-loving trait of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) based on His dominant behavioral chain in Qur'an [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 195-215]
Farokhi, NourAli
The Prediction of Inner Comfort Based on the Attitude to Religion with the Mediation of Hope and the Meaning of Life [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 109-134]
Farrokhi, Noor Ali
Representing the Process of Believing in God and the Day of Judgment in Earthquake Resilience: A Qualitative Study [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 131-154]
Fatehi Zadeh, Maryam
The impact of "behavioral – cognitive bereavement care in Islamic view" on "general health of the bereaved family" [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 113-134]
Fatehi-Zadeh, Maryamossadat
A study of impact of providing Islam-based education to parents on adolescents' self-esteem [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 119-140]
Fatemi, Azimeh al-Sadat
The Relationship between Meta-Worry and Religious Doubt among Students [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 87-104]
Fathi, Ali
Theoretical Foundations of Lifestyle from the View of the Holy Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 7-37]
Fathi Ashtiani, Ali
The Role of Religion and Spirituality in the Life of the Elderly in the Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic: A Systematic Review [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 273-292]
Fattahi, Razieh
The Comparison between the Effectiveness of Islamic Grief Therapy and Group Grief Therapy Program on the Behavioral and Emotional Problems of Adolescent Mournful Girls [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 39-64]
Fattahi, Raziyyah
An Investigation of the Relationship between Happiness and Spirituality [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 85-98]
Fattahi Ardakani, Hossein
A Study on the Structural Relationships of Personality Traits and Political Participation among Students with the Mediation of Religious Beliefs [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 25-53]
Fayyaz, Fatemeh
The Elementary Making of a Scale for Diagnosing the Depression Based on Some Quranic Verses [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 153-180]
Fazeli Mehr Abādi, Alireza
Measuring Gratitude among University and Religious Students: An Enquiry into the psychometric features of the Gratitude Questionnaire [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 75-88]
Fazllolahi Qomshi, Saifullah
An Investigation into the Relationship between the Spiritual Intelligence and the Organizational Commitment among the Teachers [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 105-132]
Fazlollahi Ghomshi, Seifollah
Relation between Students' Spiritual Growth and Their Mental Health [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 105-117]
Feizi, Esmaeil
Explaining and Criticizing the Educational Style Based on Fuzzy Approach
According to Imams' Views [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 155-184]
Garavand, Houshang
The Relationship between Aspirations and Life Satisfaction with an Emphasis on Comparing the Islamic Model of the Function of Aspirations and Self-Determination Theory: A Conceptual and Field Survey [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 7-40]
Ghafari, Mojtaba
Preparation of the Initial Questionnaire for the Success of the Imam Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 89-104]
Ghaffari Asle Ganjineh Ketab, Hakimeh
Development of a Marital Satisfaction Model Based on Self-Differentiation with the Mediating Role of Family Boundaries [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 33-57]
Ghanavi, Fatemeh
The role of family flexibility and cohesion in predicting spiritual health through the mediation of self-evaluation cores [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 35-60]
Ghanavi, Fatemeh
The role of religiosity and religious-spiritual struggles in predicting death anxiety with the mediation of personality organization. [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 117-142]
Gharavi, Seyyed Mohammad
The meaning of life in NahjAlbalaghah [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 37-58]
Gharavirad, Seyed Mohammad
The Application of Semantic Fields Theory in the Vocabulary Studies of Personality Structure based on the Islamic Sources [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 7-38]
Gharavirad, Seyed Mohammad
Classification Patterns of Personality Attributes in the Islamic Sources [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 7-31]
Gharavirad, Seyed Mohammad
The Parents' Influence on the Children's Religiosity from the View of Psychology of Religion [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 25-46]
Gharavirad, Seyed Mohammad
Introduction of a Pattern for Adjusting the Interest Based on the Islamic Piety and Making Comparisons between the Pattern and the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Reducing the Anxiety [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 57-86]
Ghasemi, Seyed Amir Hussein
A Comparison of Spiritual Intelligence and Happiness of People Participating in the Arbaeen Walk with Those Who Did not Participate [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 255-272]
Ghasemi, Zahra
Development of an educational package to prevent emotional divorce of couples based on the teachings of Islam [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 119-149]
Ghasemipoor, Yadollah
Comparing Islamic multifacets model with Beck's cognitive model in depression therapy [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 69-86]
Ghobari bonab, Bagher
Relationship between "one's perception of God"and psychoticism [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 59-94]
Ghobari Bonab, Bagher
Comparing Islamic multifacets model with Beck's cognitive model in depression therapy [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 69-86]
Ghodsi, Parvane
Predicting psychological well-being of the elderly based on emotion regulation strategies, quality of attachment to God, and existential anxiety [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 91-118]
Gholami, Younes
An Investigation of Relationship between Religious Orientation, Practical Obligation to the Islamic Tenets and Students' Mental Health [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 21-41]
Ghomrani, Amir
The Relationship between Meta-Worry and Religious Doubt among Students [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 87-104]
Ghomshi, Seifollah Fazlollahi
The Investigation into the Relationship of Belief in Religion, Self-Esteem, and Academic Achievement among the Students [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 47-65]
Ghotb, Seyed Iman
A Systematic Research and Meta-Synthesis of Studies on the Why of Islamic Psychology School [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 105-124]
Ghravi, Seyyed Mohammad
Methodology of Building an Islamic Scale (Reference Criterion); Features and Limits [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 7-30]
Golbinimofrad, Atiye
Attitude toward God, self and others in schizophrenic, bipolar and depressed patients: A qualitative and comparative study [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 19-32]
Golparvar, Mohsen
Modifying effect of believing in Day of Judgment on the relation between believing in just and unjust world and psychological well being [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 75-94]
Golparvar, Mohsen
Structure and Validation of questionnaire on Islamic Management [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 105-130]
Golparvar, Mohsen
General Health of Students as a Function of Religious Orientation and Religiosity or Distributive and Procedural Just World Beliefs [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 43-64]
Golzari, Mahmud
Theoretical Base and Pattern of Positive Emotions from Islamic Viewpoint [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 145-166]
Golzari, Mahmud
The Impact of `Umrah Mufradah on Students' Mental Health, Happiness and Practicing Religious Beliefs [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 111-126]
Habibzade, Abbas
The effectiveness of empathy training on self-regulation and social adjustment [(Articles in Press)]
Haddadi Kouhsar, Ali Akbar
Relationship between "one's perception of God"and psychoticism [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 59-94]
Hadian, Seyed Ali
The Parents' Influence on the Children's Religiosity from the View of Psychology of Religion [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 25-46]
Hafezi, Mojtaba
Developing Content Conceptual Model Abnormal Self-Centralization on the Islamic Sources [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 1-17]
Haghshenas, Mohammad hosein
Increasing satisfaction and sexual intercourse, spouses commit to sexual interventions [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 151-193]
Hajloo, Nader
The Power of Implicit Associations Test in Measuring Indirect Social Attitudes: Can IAT be used for indirect assessment of attitudes [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 25-42]
Hakimi Dezfouli, Zeinab Sadat
The Role of Psychological Flexibility, Emotional Empathy, and Spiritual Experiences in the Prediction of Marital Satisfaction of Married Women [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 149-171]
Hamid, Najmeh
The Effect of Religious-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Marital Adjustment and Mental Health [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 85-103]
Haratiyan, Abbas Ali
The Construction and Validation of Family Attitude Questionnaire Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 173-190]
Haratiyan, Abbas Ali
Constructing a Native Scale of Irrational Beliefs in Marriage [(Articles in Press)]
HasanAbadi, Hamidreza
Theoretical Foundations of Lifestyle from the View of the Holy Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 7-37]
Hashemi Geshnigani, Ramin
The Formulation of a Therapy Protocol According to the Mindfulness Based on the Activation of Spiritual-Islamic Schemas in the Students' Marital Satisfaction [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 7-28]
Hedayati, Bentolhoda
A study of impact of providing Islam-based education to parents on adolescents' self-esteem [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 119-140]
Heidari, Mahmood
A study of relationship between educational styles and religious education with parents' religiousness rate [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 11-32]
Heidari, Maryam
Developing a Self-Respect Inventory Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 75-105]
Heidari, Zohreh
The Construction and Validation of a Life Meaning Test Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 7-25]
Homaee, Reza
The Effect of Religious Cognitive Behavioral Education on the Guilt-Feeling of Esfahan's Infertile Couples [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 89-101]
Homayee, Reza
An Analysis of the Juvenile and Youth Felons' Mental Picture of God [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 119-128]
Homayi, Reza
The Relationship between Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence of Students [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 7-23]
Hoseyni ramandi, Ali akbar
A Psychological Analysis of Quranic Growth and Its Signs [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 61-83]
Hoshyari, Jafar
Renormalizing the Questionnaire of Family Efficiency Measurement Using Item Response Theory [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 99-117]
Hosseini, Fatemeh sadat
Pathological Analysis of Fulfilling the Spiritual Needs of Spouses within the Framework of Quran-Based Spiritual Health [(Articles in Press)]
Hosseini, Mohammad Soltan
An Analysis of the Juvenile and Youth Felons' Mental Picture of God [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 119-128]
Hosseini semnani, Sedigeh
Effectiveness of an intervention protocol based on multidimensional spiritual therapy in reducing narcissistic symptoms and improving personality functions of narcissistic personality disorder: a single case study [(Articles in Press)]
Hosseini Semnani, Sedigeh
Developing a treatment protocol for narcissistic personality disorder based on multidimensional spiritual therapy and Islamic sources [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 187-216]
Hossein-Sabet, Farideh
Designing Patience Measurement Scale for adolescents [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 129-142]
Hossein-Sabet, Farideh
Effectiveness of patience training in anxiety, depression and happiness [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 79-93]
Hossenizadeh, Ali
Lifestyle with a Comparative Approach between the Allameh Tabatabai's and Dalai Lama's Viewpoints [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 59-87]
Houshiari, Jafar
The Relationship between the Efficiency of Family and Spiritual Well-Being among University and Hawzah Students [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 87-102]
Hoveida, Reza
A Comparative Study of Four-Stage Model of Self-evaluation in Islam with Self-Leadership Behavioral-Focused Strategies [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 143-153]
Hoveyda, Reza
The Effect of Religious Cognitive Behavioral Education on the Guilt-Feeling of Esfahan's Infertile Couples [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 89-101]
Husseini, Muhammad Sultan
The Relationship between Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence of Students [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 7-23]
Husseini Semnani, Sedigheh
An Investigation into the Influence of Correct God-Image on Depression Confrontation [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 147-163]
Iranpour, Adele
A Study on the Structural Relationships of Personality Traits and Political Participation among Students with the Mediation of Religious Beliefs [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 25-53]
Isfahani Khaleghi, Atena
A Comparison of Spiritual Intelligence and Happiness of People Participating in the Arbaeen Walk with Those Who Did not Participate [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 255-272]
Islami Ardakani, Hasan
Consequences of the peace-loving trait of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) based on His dominant behavioral chain in Qur'an [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 195-215]
Jadidi, Mohsen
Developing and validating the modesty questionnaire and examining its psychometric properties [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 61-90]
Jahangiri, Maryam
Investigating the Supporting Role of the Family by Analyzing the "Dedicated to" Page in Persian Ph.D. Theses [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 19-40]
Jahangirzadeh Qomi, Mohammad Reza
The Construction and Validation of Family Attitude Questionnaire Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 173-190]
Jahanshahi, Mohadetheh
The Effectiveness of Modesty Education on the Reduction of Internet Addiction and High-Risk Behaviors [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2018, Pages 1-22]
Janbozorgi, Masood
Role of Religious Affiliation and Gender in Test Anxiety [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 43-61]
Janbozorgi, Masood
Relationship between "Marital Satisfaction" and "Communication Patterns of Couples" [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 57-77]
Janbozorgi, masoud
The Effect of the Variables of Multidimensional Spiritual Pattern on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with the Mediation of Dysfunctional Beliefs [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 129-153]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
The Application of Semantic Fields Theory in the Vocabulary Studies of Personality Structure based on the Islamic Sources [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 7-38]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
An Overview on the Experimental Situation of Psychotherapy in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 145-190]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
Classification Patterns of Personality Attributes in the Islamic Sources [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 7-31]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
The Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Therapy with and without the Use of Tales of Masnavi on the Opposing Women's Mental Health [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 129-152]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
The Relationship of Psycho-Spiritual Development Level and Loneliness with Existential Anxiety among the Students [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 5-24]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
The Relationship between the Structure of Patriarchal Authority in the Individual's Family of Origin and the Efficiency of Family [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 135-150]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
Introduction of a Pattern for Adjusting the Interest Based on the Islamic Piety and Making Comparisons between the Pattern and the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Reducing the Anxiety [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 57-86]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
The Influence of Early Maladaptive Schemas on Psycho-Spiritual Transformation: A Mediator Variable in Psychotherapy [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 7-26]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
An Investigation into the Relationship between Self-Concept and God-Image in the Religious-Spiritual Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 119-134]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
The Effectiveness of the Short-Term Pattern of Spiritually Multidimensional Psychotherapy (SMP) on Controlling the Depression Symptoms [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 135-168]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
The Effectiveness of God-Given Multidimensional Spiritual Therapy on Perceived Spirituality and Selfconcept-Godconcept among Red Crescent Staff with Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 185-201]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
Increasing satisfaction and sexual intercourse, spouses commit to sexual interventions [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 151-193]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
The role of religiosity and religious-spiritual struggles in predicting death anxiety with the mediation of personality organization. [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 117-142]
Janbozorgi, Masoud
The Prediction of Mental Health Based on Attachment Styles, Psychological-Spiritual Transformation and the Perception of God among Female Students [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 127-147]
Janbozorgi, Masud
Construction and Validity of Religious Adherence Test on the Basis of the Statements of Quran and Nahjul Balaghah [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 79-105]
Janbozorgi, Masud
The Effect of Multidimensional Spiritual Intervention on Cortisol, and Disease Perception After Vascular Bypass Surgery [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 33-51]
Jan Bozorgi, Amin
An Assessment of "Mental-Spiritual Upheaval" in Treatment of Religious Clients [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 49-70]
Jan Bozorgi, Mas’oud
The meaning of life in NahjAlbalaghah [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 37-58]
JanBozorgi, Masood
An Assessment of "Mental-Spiritual Upheaval" in Treatment of Religious Clients [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 49-70]
JanBozorgi, Masood
The Empirical Status of Cognitions-Behavioral Therapy Review of Meta-analysis [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 7-45]
JanBozorgi, Massod
The Semantics of Generalized Anxiety Disorder from the View of the Holy Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 89-115]
Janbozurgi, Masoud
Developing a treatment protocol for narcissistic personality disorder based on multidimensional spiritual therapy and Islamic sources [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 187-216]
Janbozurgi, Masoud
Effectiveness of an intervention protocol based on multidimensional spiritual therapy in reducing narcissistic symptoms and improving personality functions of narcissistic personality disorder: a single case study [(Articles in Press)]
Javanshir, Abbas
Consequences of the peace-loving trait of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) based on His dominant behavioral chain in Qur'an [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 195-215]
Jazayeri, Seyed Hamid
Constructing and Validating a Questionnaire to Assess the Psychological Boundaries of the Family Based on the Holy Quran [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 7-29]
Joderi, Jafar
Theoretical Foundations of Lifestyle from the View of the Holy Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 7-37]
JoshanLou, Mohsen
Investigating statistical features of Santa Clara's power of religiousfaith questionnaire among Iranian students [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 147-163]
K, H
The Effectiveness of the Group Education of Islamic Meditation Pattern on Life Style and the Married Women's Generalized Anxiety [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 57-82]
Kajbaf, Mohammadbagher
Methodology of Building an Islamic Scale (Reference Criterion); Features and Limits [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 7-30]
Kajbaf, Mohammadbagher
Comparing religious attitude and religious faith strength among girl pupils and students of Isfahan [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 97-111]
Kajbaf, Mohammadbagher
A study of relationship between religious attitude and mental health among students of Isfahan Girls' High Schools [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 31-43]
Kajbaf, Mohammad Baqer
Efficacy of "teaching spirituality" on the "couples' Marital Adjustment " [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 95-112]
Kajbaf, Mohammad Baqer
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Training with an Islamic Approach on Students' Life Satisfaction [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 43-57]
Kalantari, Mehrdad
The Comparison between the Effectiveness of Islamic Grief Therapy and Group Grief Therapy Program on the Behavioral and Emotional Problems of Adolescent Mournful Girls [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 39-64]
Kalantari, Mehrdad
Preparation and Validation of Questionnaire on Tendency to Zikr among Students of Isfahan University [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 95-110]
Kalantari, Mehrdad
The Relation between Personal Characteristics and Acting to Religious Beliefs in Students [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 83-96]
Kalantari, Mehrdad
Designing and examining psychometric features of Spiritual Tendencies Questionnaire among Isfahan University students [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 59-77]
Kalhornia Golkar, Mahdi
The Role of Religion in Reduction of Obsession [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 27-48]
Kamkar, Mohammadzaman
Attitude toward God, self and others in schizophrenic, bipolar and depressed patients: A qualitative and comparative study [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 19-32]
Karamy, Morteza
A Comparison between the Religious Orientation of the 2006-2007 Senior Students and Freshmen of Razi University [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 71-84]
Karimi, Mohammad Reza
Sources of Ethical Motivation: A Comparative Approach to Abraham Maslow and Allameh Tabatabaei's Views [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 79-104]
Katani, Fateme
The Prediction of Mental Health Based on Attachment Styles, Psychological-Spiritual Transformation and the Perception of God among Female Students [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 127-147]
Kavani, mohammad
Creativity Levels Based on Transcendental Wisdom [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 117-147]
Kaviani, Mohammad
The Construction and Validation of a Scale for Measuring the Tollab's Job Talent [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 56-86]
Kaviani, Mohammad
A Conceptual Pattern of Quran-Based Motivation (Qualitative Content Analysis) [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 53-70]
Kaviani, Mohammad
What, why and how "Islamic epistemological geometry" and the position of "Islamic psychology" [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 7-24]
Kaviani Arany, Mohammad
A Comprehensive Approach to the Motivation Issues from Koranic View [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 67-93]
Kavyani, mohammad
An Investigation into the Psychometric Characteristics of Islamic Lifestyle Test among the High School Adolescents [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 7-34]
Kavyani, Mohammad
The Investigation into the Relationship between Islamic Life Style and Social Health among People of Yazd City [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 83-103]
Kavyani, Mohammad
Sources of Ethical Motivation: A Comparative Approach to Abraham Maslow and Allameh Tabatabaei's Views [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 79-104]
Kavyani, Mohammad
A Psychological Analysis of Passivity and Its Relationship with Authority from the View of the Holy Quran؟؟؟ [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 43-66]
Kavyani, Mohammad
A Psychological Analysis of Quranic Verses as One of the Components of the Literary School (Contemporary) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 53-73]
Kavyani, Mohammad
An Overview of "Inferential Method" as a Qualitative Research Method and its Application [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 93-115]
Kavyani, Muhammad
Methodology of Building an Islamic Scale (Reference Criterion); Features and Limits [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 7-30]
Keshavarz, Amir
The Relation between Personal Characteristics and Acting to Religious Beliefs in Students [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 83-96]
Keyhan, Javad
The Effectiveness of Quran Recitation Software on Academic Motivation and the Learning of Religious Concepts among Female Fourth Grade Elementary School Students [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 87-104]
Khademian, Hossein
Quran Reading and Its Impact on Psychological Stress and Coping Strategies among Female Students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 63-84]
Khodayari Fard, Mohammad
The Formulation of a Therapy Protocol According to the Mindfulness Based on the Activation of Spiritual-Islamic Schemas in the Students' Marital Satisfaction [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 7-28]
Khojasteh Mehr, reza
The Making and Validation of a Scale for Measuring the Religious Matrimony Style [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 7-26]
Khonakdar Tarsi, Masoumeh
Explaining and Criticizing the Educational Style Based on Fuzzy Approach
According to Imams' Views [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 155-184]
Khorasani Dehshotoran, Maryam
The Role of Perceived Stress and Positive Affect as Mediators in the Relationship between Religious Orientation and Mental Health [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 129-146]
Kiaei, Zahra
A Content Analysis of the Imam Ali's Sayings in terms of the Change Objectives in the Human's Behavior and Psyche [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 95-118]
Kohandel Jahromi, Marzieh
Investigating the Supporting Role of the Family by Analyzing the "Dedicated to" Page in Persian Ph.D. Theses [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 19-40]
Latifi, Zuhreh
The Relationship between Different Dimensions of Religiosity and Moral Identity in Students of Isfahan University [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 65-77]
Lavasani, Seyyed Mohammad Reza
Self-Confidence Model in the Islamic Ethics [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 119-137]
Maddahi, javad
Lifestyle with a Comparative Approach between the Allameh Tabatabai's and Dalai Lama's Viewpoints [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 59-87]
Mahdavian, Ali Reza
Relationship between "Marital Satisfaction" and "Communication Patterns of Couples" [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 57-77]
Mahdizadeh, Hamid
An Investigation into the Psychometric Characteristics of Islamic Lifestyle Test among the High School Adolescents [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 7-34]
Makhdoumi, Ali
Spiritual Factors and Interventions Preventing the Progress of Couples in the Stages of Divorce According to Islamic Sources [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 7-32]
Malaki Tavana, Mansooreh
Relation between Students' Spiritual Growth and Their Mental Health [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 105-117]
Maleki, Hasan
The Solutions of Effective Institutionalization of Islamic Life Style in High Schools [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 27-54]
Maleki Tavana, Mansoureh
The Investigation into the Relationship of Belief in Religion, Self-Esteem, and Academic Achievement among the Students [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 47-65]
Marandi, Ahmad
Determining the Relationship between Religiosity and Psychological Hardness [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 63-74]
Marashi, Sayed Ali
The Role of Perceived Stress and Positive Affect as Mediators in the Relationship between Religious Orientation and Mental Health [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 129-146]
Mashallahi Nejad, Zahra
Hedyehaye Asemani (Divine Gifts) and Litrature Textbooks of Primary School and Their Approach to Mahdiism: A Content Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 7-26]
Masoodi, Abdolhadi
Theoretical Base and Pattern of Positive Emotions from Islamic Viewpoint [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 145-166]
Massah, Hajar
Structure and Validation of questionnaire on Islamic Management [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 105-130]
Massah, Hajar
An Islamic Pattern of Success at Work Based on Quran, Narrative Books, and the Supreme Leader's Statements [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 7-28]
Mazaheri, Mohammadali
A study of relationship between educational styles and religious education with parents' religiousness rate [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 11-32]
Meftagh, Davood
Designing and examining psychometric features of Spiritual Tendencies Questionnaire among Isfahan University students [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 59-77]
Mehrabi, Hosseinali
Designing and examining psychometric features of Spiritual Tendencies Questionnaire among Isfahan University students [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 59-77]
Mehrmohammadi, Majid
Worship and the prayer based on behavioristic approach [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 95-117]
Mikaeeli, Nilofar
An Investigation of Relationship between Religious Orientation and Personality Traits of Male and Female Students [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 83-93]
Mikaeili, Nilofar
The Role of Religion in Reduction of Obsession [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 27-48]
Mirerdikundi, Rahim
Preparation of the Initial Questionnaire for the Success of the Imam Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 89-104]
Mirmahdi, Seyed Reza
The Content Analysis of Articles of "Bi-Annual Journal of Islam and Psychology Studies" (2007-2016) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2018, Pages 141-158]
Mirshah Ja'fari, Ibrahim
An Inquiry into the Role of Faith and Hope in Life and its Effects on Man's Mental Health [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 123-142]
Mir-shah Jafari, Ebrahim
Mental health principles from Sahifeh Sajjadieh perspective [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 75-95]
Mirzahosseini, Hassan
Identification and Categorization of Spiritual Factors in Studies Related to Grief and Pathological Grief: A Systematic Review [(Articles in Press)]
Moatamedy, Abdollah
An Investigation into the Relationship between Islamic Lifestyle and Marital Satisfaction with the Mediation of Optimism [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 43-62]
Mobasheri, Zahra
The Effectiveness of Quranic Stories on Philosophical Mentality and Critical Thinking Tendency among the Sixth Grade Elementary School Girl Students [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 51-68]
Moeinipour, Masoud
The Imam Sajad's Style in Religious Education [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 153-182]
Mohammadi, Mohammad Taqhi
Psychological Approach to "Perfect Man in the Quran" [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 33-56]
Mohammadian, Kamran
The Mediating Role of Adaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in the Relationship between Spiritual Well-Being and Resilience in Veterans (Janbazan) [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 41-62]
Mokhtaripour, Marziyeh
A Comparative Analysis between the Dimensions of Moral Intelligence in the view of Scholars and Quran and Imams [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 97-118]
Molavi, Hussein
The Comparison between the Effectiveness of Islamic Grief Therapy and Group Grief Therapy Program on the Behavioral and Emotional Problems of Adolescent Mournful Girls [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 39-64]
Moosavi, Zohreh
Study of the Relationship between Sport Ethics and Religious Beliefs as an Element of Spiritual Intelligence [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 99-110]
Mortazavi, Seyed Ebrahim
A Psychological Analysis of Quranic Verses as One of the Components of the Literary School (Contemporary) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 53-73]
Motabi, fereshteh
Theoretical Foundations of Lifestyle from the View of the Holy Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 7-37]
Mousavi, Elham
The Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Therapy with and without the Use of Tales of Masnavi on the Opposing Women's Mental Health [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 129-152]
Mousavi, Elham
The Relationship of Psycho-Spiritual Development Level and Loneliness with Existential Anxiety among the Students [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 5-24]
Mousavi, Sayed Hani
The Efficiency of the God Mention Program in Reducing Anxiety [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 117-139]
Mousavi, Seyed Muhammad Mahdi
The Imam Sajad's Style in Religious Education [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 153-182]
Mullavi, Hussein
Methodology of Building an Islamic Scale (Reference Criterion); Features and Limits [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 7-30]
Najafi, Hasan
The Solutions of Effective Institutionalization of Islamic Life Style in High Schools [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 27-54]
Najafi, Hassan
The Solutions of Improving the Children's Mental Health; According to the Ahl al-Bayt's Life Style [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 79-104]
Najafi, Mahdi
The Comparison between General Health and Psychological Well-Being among Women-Headed Households with and without Temporary Marriage [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 65-86]
Naqdi, Asqar
The impact of “identity styles” and “coping strategies” on “accepting mastership (Velayat)” [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 125-145]
Narouei Nosrati, Rahim
The Prediction of the Level of Self-Control among Male and Female High School Teenagers Based on the Level of Islamic Patience and Religious Orientation [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 67-86]
Nasri, Abdollah
Counseling Model of the Agency of "I" Based on Allameh Mohammad Taghi Jafari's View [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 63-105]
Navabinejad, Shokoh
The Relationship of Meaning of Life and Religious Beliefs with the Type and Extent of Acute Stress Reactions after the Disclosure of Spouse''''s Infidelity [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 61-82]
Nazari.Boozhani, Behrooz
The Formulation and Validation of an Educational Package of Academic Resilience Based on an Integrated Monotheistic Approach for Second High School Students [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 105-127]
Nazemi, saba
Investigating statistical features of Santa Clara's power of religiousfaith questionnaire among Iranian students [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 147-163]
Nequee, Fatemeh
The Effect of Multidimensional Spiritual Intervention on Cortisol, and Disease Perception After Vascular Bypass Surgery [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 33-51]
Neshat Doost, Hamid Taher
An Investigation of the Relationship between Happiness and Spirituality [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 85-98]
Nikouy, Maryam
The Formulation of a Therapy Protocol According to the Mindfulness Based on the Activation of Spiritual-Islamic Schemas in the Students' Marital Satisfaction [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 63-84]
Nik-Sefat, Ebrahim
Psychology of Perfection in the Holy Quran [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 111-132]
Nikseffat, Ibrahim
Methods of measuring personality from religion and psychology perspective [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 149-185]
Niusha, Beheshteh
The Relationship between the Efficiency of Family and Spiritual Well-Being among University and Hawzah Students [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 87-102]
Niyusha, Beheshteh
Role of Religious Affiliation and Gender in Test Anxiety [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2012, Pages 43-61]
Nooralizadeh Mianaji, Masoud
The Efficiency of the God Mention Program in Reducing Anxiety [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 117-139]
NoorAlizadeh Mianaji, Masud
Islamic Model of “Immunization” of Sexual Behavior with Emphasis on Prevention and Cure of Perversion and Sex Problems [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 107-142]
Noori, Abolghasem
Comparing religious attitude and religious faith strength among girl pupils and students of Isfahan [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 97-111]
Nouhi, Shahnaz
The Effectiveness of God-Given Multidimensional Spiritual Therapy on Perceived Spirituality and Selfconcept-Godconcept among Red Crescent Staff with Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 185-201]
Nouri, Abolghasem
Structure and Validation of questionnaire on Islamic Management [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 105-130]
Nozari, Jamshid
An Investigation of Relationship between Religious Orientation, Practical Obligation to the Islamic Tenets and Students' Mental Health [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 21-41]
Nozari, Maryam
The Role of Urban Management in Promoting the Citizens' Islamic-Iranian Life Style [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 27-56]
Okhovat, Ahmad Reza
The Elementary Making of a Scale for Diagnosing the Depression Based on Some Quranic Verses [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 153-180]
Olianasab, Seyed Hussein
The Prophet Muhammad's Way in the Mental Management of Islamic Society [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 55-78]
Omidi, Ahad
Conceptual model of critical thinking based on Islamic sources [(Articles in Press)]
Omidian, Mahdi
The Investigation into the Effectiveness of Group Counseling by Means of Monotheistic Integrated Therapy on the Male Prisoners' Adaptation [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 127-144]
Omidian, Mohammad
A Model of Emotional-Spiritual Self-Awareness Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 203-225]
Oreyzi, Hamid Reza
Structure and Validation of questionnaire on Islamic Management [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 105-130]
Paknejad, Fereshteh
Counseling Model of the Agency of "I" Based on Allameh Mohammad Taghi Jafari's View [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 63-105]
Panahi, Ali Ahmad
The Ahl al-Bayt's Life Style in Wife Restraint [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 105-134]
Panahi, Ali Ahmad
Theoretical principles of "managing role of man" in family with psychological approach [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 149-168]
Panahi, Ali Ahmad
The Educational Requirements of Childhood from the Perspectives of Islamic Teachings and Psychology [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 137-157]
Panahi, Ali Ahmad
The Importance of Being Aware of Parenting Process with an Emphasis on Minimum Educational-Psychological Expectations of Islam from Parents [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 141-162]
Panahi Talkhestani, Saeideh
A Study of the Shortcomings of Today's Psychological Views about the Normality and Abnormality Criteria and Explaining Those from the Islamic View [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 105-128]
Parand, Akram
Anger Management Based on Religious Teachings and Modern Psychology [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 43-63]
Pasandideh, Abas
Introduction of a Pattern for Adjusting the Interest Based on the Islamic Piety and Making Comparisons between the Pattern and the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Reducing the Anxiety [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 57-86]
Pasandideh, Abbas
The Application of Semantic Fields Theory in the Vocabulary Studies of Personality Structure based on the Islamic Sources [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 7-38]
Pasandideh, Abbas
Classification Patterns of Personality Attributes in the Islamic Sources [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 7-31]
Pasandideh, Abbas
Theoretical Base and Pattern of Positive Emotions from Islamic Viewpoint [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 145-166]
Pashavi, Qasem
Investigating spiritual needs in Islamic view point in "religion and life" books [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 7-36]
Payami Golhin, Reza
Explaining the Natural Attributes of Human Psyche from the View of Quran [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 71-88]
Peiade-koohsar, Abolghasem
The Effectiveness of God-Given Multidimensional Spiritual Therapy on Perceived Spirituality and Selfconcept-Godconcept among Red Crescent Staff with Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 185-201]
Peimanpak, Faezeh
The Role of the Main Aspects of Personality in the Relationship with God [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 103-126]
Pishnamazi, Mohadeseh
The role of family flexibility and cohesion in predicting spiritual health through the mediation of self-evaluation cores [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 35-60]
Qasemi Mofrad, Maryam
Relationship of "Affective Family Environment" and "Religious Orientation" with "Addiction Tendency" [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 7-26]
Qorbani, Nima
Relation between "religious motive" and "knowledge of self" with "ethical values" [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 135-148]
Qurbanali Poor, Masood
Determining the Relationship between Religiosity and Psychological Hardness [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 63-74]
Ra, A
The Relationship between the Status Change of Interpersonal Identity and Religious Identity in Students [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 83-97]
Rabiee, Mahdi
An Investigation of the Relationship between Happiness and Spirituality [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 85-98]
Raeespour, Hafizollah
A study of relationship between religious attitude and mental health among students of Isfahan Girls' High Schools [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 31-43]
Rafeei-Moghaddam, Fatemeh
A comparative study of Human from Roger's and Islam's perspective [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 143-167]
Rafiee Honar, Hamid
Formulating a Conceptual Model of Wisdom Based on Islamic Sources: Grounded Theory [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 7-36]
Rafiei, Behrouz
Investigating and Comparing the Role of Habit in Education from Morteza Motahari's and Immanuel Kant's Viewpoints [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 105-123]
Rafieihonar, Hamid
Developing Content Conceptual Model Abnormal Self-Centralization on the Islamic Sources [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 1-17]
Rafiei Honar, Hamid
Childbearing from the Perspective of Married Women with an Emphasis on Religious Attitudes [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 107-130]
Rahbari, Saeed
Mediating role of Critical Thinking in relation between Spirituality and Mental Health [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 7-33]
Rahimi, Forough
Investigating the Supporting Role of the Family by Analyzing the "Dedicated to" Page in Persian Ph.D. Theses [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 19-40]
Rahimian, Eshagh
The impact of NahjAlbalaghah on improving general health of university students [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 7-36]
Rahnama, Akbar
The Solutions of Improving the Children's Mental Health; According to the Ahl al-Bayt's Life Style [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 79-104]
Rahnama, Zahra
Constructing a Native Scale of Irrational Beliefs in Marriage [(Articles in Press)]
Rajabi, Saeed
The Role of Religion in Reduction of Obsession [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 27-48]
Rakhshany, Pline
A Model of Couple Burnout in Relation with the Multi-Dimensional Pattern of Connection with God and Though and Language Controls [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 7-30]
Ranjbar shorAbadi, zahra
The Impact of Religiosity on Joyfulness of the Girl Students of the Middle Schools and High Schools of District No. 2 in Kerman [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 59-82]
Raqib, Maedeh Sadat
An Analysis of Spiritual Intelligence of Department Heads at Isfahan University and Its Relation to Demographic Traits [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 131-143]
Rashedi far, Fatemeh
Family Efficiency Structural Modeling Based on Life Meaning with the Mediating Role of Spirituality in the Family and Marital Boundaries [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 1-18]
Rasoulzadeh Tabatabaei, Seyed Kazem
Introduction of a Pattern for Adjusting the Interest Based on the Islamic Piety and Making Comparisons between the Pattern and the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Reducing the Anxiety [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 57-86]
Rasulinejad, Seyed Puya
The Investigation into the Relationship between Islamic Life Style and Social Health among People of Yazd City [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 83-103]
Reesi, leila
Development of an educational package to prevent emotional divorce of couples based on the teachings of Islam [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 119-149]
Rezaei, Abazar
The Efficiency of the God Mention Program in Reducing Anxiety [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 117-139]
Rezaei, Firouzeh
The Making and Validation of a Scale for Measuring the Religious Matrimony Style [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 7-26]
Rezapour Mirsaleh, Yasser
Counseling Model of the Agency of "I" Based on Allameh Mohammad Taghi Jafari's View [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 63-105]
Reza Zadeh, Mohammad Reza
Relation between "religious motive" and "knowledge of self" with "ethical values" [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 135-148]
Rohani, Morteza
The Effectiveness of the Short-Term Pattern of Spiritually Multidimensional Psychotherapy (SMP) on Controlling the Depression Symptoms [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 135-168]
Roshan, Hasan
Pathological Analysis of Fulfilling the Spiritual Needs of Spouses within the Framework of Quran-Based Spiritual Health [(Articles in Press)]
Roshan, Rasoul
The Prediction of the Girls' General Health in Connection with the Diana Baumrind's Three Parenting Styles and the Parenting Style based on Religious Teachings [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 105-124]
Sabzian, Saeideh
Presenting a Model of Religious Attitude and the Practice of Religious Beliefs with Academic Cheating: The Mediating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 147-173]
Sadeghi, Mansooressadat
A study of relationship between educational styles and religious education with parents' religiousness rate [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 11-32]
Sadeghi, Mansoureh Sadat
The Role of the Main Aspects of Personality in the Relationship with God [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 103-126]
Sadipour, Esmaeil
The Effect of Quran Recitation on the Mental Health [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2018, Pages 125-141]
Sadipour, Esmaeil
The Formulation and Validation of an Educational Package of Academic Resilience Based on an Integrated Monotheistic Approach for Second High School Students [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 105-127]
Sadooghi, Majid
A deliberation on religious structures and their place in health psychology [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 45-68]
Safaei, Tayebe
Designing a pathology model of self-imposed training method from the perspective of verses and hadiths based on the data-based theory [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 83-103]
Safarzadeh, Sahar
Relationship of "Affective Family Environment" and "Religious Orientation" with "Addiction Tendency" [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 7-26]
Safouraei Parizi, Mohammad Mahdi
The Relationship between the Efficiency of Family and Spiritual Well-Being among University and Hawzah Students [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 87-102]
Safurayee Parizi, Mohammad Mahdi
Constructing and Validating a Questionnaire to Assess the Psychological Boundaries of the Family Based on the Holy Quran [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 7-29]
Safurayee Parizi, Mohammad Mahdi
Development of a Marital Satisfaction Model Based on Self-Differentiation with the Mediating Role of Family Boundaries [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 33-57]
Safurayee Parizi, Mohammad Mahdi
Family Efficiency Structural Modeling Based on Life Meaning with the Mediating Role of Spirituality in the Family and Marital Boundaries [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 1-18]
Salahshoori, Ahmad
Explaining and Criticizing the Educational Style Based on Fuzzy Approach
According to Imams' Views [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 155-184]
Salari, Susan
The Prediction of the Girls' General Health in Connection with the Diana Baumrind's Three Parenting Styles and the Parenting Style based on Religious Teachings [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 105-124]
Salarifar, Mohamadreza
A Systematic Research and Meta-Synthesis of Studies on the Why of Islamic Psychology School [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 105-124]
Salarifar, Mohammad
Family Efficiency Structural Modeling Based on Life Meaning with the Mediating Role of Spirituality in the Family and Marital Boundaries [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 1-18]
Salarifar, Mohammad Reza
The Comparison between General Health and Psychological Well-Being among Women-Headed Households with and without Temporary Marriage [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 65-86]
Salarifar, Mohammad Reza
An Explanation of the Causes and Grounds of Domestic Violence [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 7-41]
Salarifar, Mohammad Reza
The Construction and Validation of a Life Meaning Test Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 7-25]
Salarifar, Mohammad Reza
Development of an educational package to prevent emotional divorce of couples based on the teachings of Islam [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 119-149]
Salari Far, Mohammad Reza
Principles and structure of "Islamic couple therapy" [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 37-68]
Salaryfar, Mohammad Reza
Psychological Approach to "Perfect Man in the Quran" [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 33-56]
Salehzadeh, Maryam
The Nature of Islamic Psychology, a Priori or a Posteriori? [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 135-155]
Samiei, Hamid Reza
The Investigation into the Relationship between Islamic Life Style and Social Health among People of Yazd City [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 83-103]
San, sara
The Semantics of Generalized Anxiety Disorder from the View of the Holy Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 89-115]
Sarmadi,, Mohammadreza
Designing a pathology model of self-imposed training method from the perspective of verses and hadiths based on the data-based theory [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 83-103]
Sayyad Talaee, Azam
Study of the Relationship between Sport Ethics and Religious Beliefs as an Element of Spiritual Intelligence [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 99-110]
Sedighi Arfaei, Fareeborz
The Mediating Role of Adaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in the Relationship between Spiritual Well-Being and Resilience in Veterans (Janbazan) [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 41-62]
Sedigh Ouraee, Gholam Reza
The God's Control Mechanisms on the Individuals' Behavior and Their Effects on Adjusting the Social Behavior from Viewpoint of the Koran [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 55-82]
Sepahvand, Reza
Identifying the Dimensions of the Needs of the Spiritual Life of Human Resources in Sahifa Sajadieh [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 227-253]
Seydmoradi, Kaveh
Representing the Process of Believing in God and the Day of Judgment in Earthquake Resilience: A Qualitative Study [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 131-154]
The Prediction of the Level of Self-Control among Male and Female High School Teenagers Based on the Level of Islamic Patience and Religious Orientation [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 67-86]
Seyednoohi, Forough
Predicting psychological well-being of the elderly based on emotion regulation strategies, quality of attachment to God, and existential anxiety [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 91-118]
Shafiee, Abbas
The Effect of Spiritual Intelligence on the Mental Health of Human Resources in Organizations [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 153-179]
Shahabizadeh, Fatemeh
The Role of Cognitive Processes and Type 2 Diabetic Women's Blood Sugar Index in the Effectiveness of the Education of Secularism Harms Based on the Teachings of Nahj al-Balagha [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 27-50]
Shah Nazari, Mahdi
The Relation between Personal Characteristics and Acting to Religious Beliefs in Students [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 83-96]
Shamsaee, Mohammadmehdi
Attitude toward God, self and others in schizophrenic, bipolar and depressed patients: A qualitative and comparative study [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 19-32]
Shamsaei, Mohammad Mehdi
Extreme Makeup or Simplicity: Moral Foundations, Personal Values and the Meaning of Life in Women [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 31-51]
Sharaf al-Din, Seyed Hussein
The Ahl al-Bayt's Life Style in Entertainments and Leisure Time [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 27-54]
Sharifi, Ahmad Hussein
The Ahl al-Bayt's Ways for Institutionalization of Islamic Life Style [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 7-26]
Sharifi, Ehsan
An Investigation of the Relationship between Happiness and Spirituality [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 85-98]
Sharifi, Ehsan
Designing and examining psychometric features of Spiritual Tendencies Questionnaire among Isfahan University students [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 59-77]
Sharifi, Fatimah
A Study of the Shortcomings of Today's Psychological Views about the Normality and Abnormality Criteria and Explaining Those from the Islamic View [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 105-128]
Sharifi, Marzieh
The impact of "behavioral – cognitive bereavement care in Islamic view" on "general health of the bereaved family" [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 113-134]
Sharifinia, Mohammad Hossein
Monotheist Integrated Therapy as a Religious Approach in Psychotherapy [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 65-82]
Sharifinia, Mohammad Hossein
The Effectiveness of an Integrated Monotheistic Treatment on the Components of Existential Anxiety, Patience, and Hope among Depressed Women [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 95-115]
Sharifinia, Mohammad-Hossein
A study of effectiveness of monotheistic integrated therapy in reduction of prisoners' delinquencies [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 7-32]
Sharifinia, Mohammad Hossion
Principles and structure of "Islamic couple therapy" [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 37-68]
Sharifinia, Muhammad Hossein
The Formulation and Validation of an Educational Package of Academic Resilience Based on an Integrated Monotheistic Approach for Second High School Students [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 105-127]
Sharifiniya, Muhammad Hussein
Examining the Effect of Group Religious and Cognitive –behavioral Psychotherapy on Self-esteem and Marital Attitudes of Male Prisoners of the City of Qom [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 31-61]
Shaterian, Fatemeh
The Construction and Validation of a Life Meaning Test Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2020, Pages 7-25]
Shaterian mohammadi, Fatemeh
Effectiveness of an intervention protocol based on multidimensional spiritual therapy in reducing narcissistic symptoms and improving personality functions of narcissistic personality disorder: a single case study [(Articles in Press)]
Shaterian Mohammadi, Fatemeh
Developing a treatment protocol for narcissistic personality disorder based on multidimensional spiritual therapy and Islamic sources [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 187-216]
Shavakhi, Alireza
A study of relationship between religiousness aspects and happiness of students of Isfahan Girls' High Schools [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 45-58]
Sheivandi cholicheh, Kamran
Designing an Educational Package of Islamic Happiness and Its Feasibility in the Dimensions of Psychological Resilience of Couples with Marital Conflicts [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 155-177]
Shirani, Mahnaz
The Relationship between Meta-Worry and Religious Doubt among Students [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 87-104]
Shojaee, Mohammad Sadegh
An Overview of the Bases of "Personality Traits Theory" in Ethics [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 129-153]
Shojaee, Mohammad Sadeq
A Conceptual Model of the Anxiety of Death Based on Religious Texts [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 37-59]
Shojaei, Mohammad Sadegh
The Application of Semantic Fields Theory in the Vocabulary Studies of Personality Structure based on the Islamic Sources [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 7-38]
Shojaei, Mohammad Sadegh
Classification Patterns of Personality Attributes in the Islamic Sources [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 7-31]
Shojaei, Mohammad Sadegh
The Methodology of Qualitative Analysis of the Content of Religious Texts: Theoretical Foundations and Implementation Phases [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 41-73]
Shojaie, Mohammad Sadegh
The meaning of life in NahjAlbalaghah [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 37-58]
Shojaii, Mohammadsadegh
Theory of spiritual needs from Islamic point of View and its correspondence with Mazlov's needs hierarchy [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 87-116]
Shokoohi-Yekta, Mohsen
Anger Management Based on Religious Teachings and Modern Psychology [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 43-63]
Shuja'ei, Muhammad Sadeq
The Social Constituents of Mental Health in Nahjul Balaghah with Emphasis on Economic Activity, Social Relations and Government Function [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 103-121]
Siadat, Seyed Ali
A Comparative Analysis between the Dimensions of Moral Intelligence in the view of Scholars and Quran and Imams [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 97-118]
Siyadat, Sayyed Ali
An Analysis of Spiritual Intelligence of Department Heads at Isfahan University and Its Relation to Demographic Traits [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 131-143]
Skandari, Hussein
The Prediction of Inner Comfort Based on the Attitude to Religion with the Mediation of Hope and the Meaning of Life [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 109-134]
Skndari, Hossein
An Investigation into the Relationship between Islamic Lifestyle and Marital Satisfaction with the Mediation of Optimism [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 43-62]
Sohrabi, Faramarz
An Investigation into the Relationship between Islamic Lifestyle and Marital Satisfaction with the Mediation of Optimism [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 43-62]
Sohrabi, Faramarz
The Prediction of Inner Comfort Based on the Attitude to Religion with the Mediation of Hope and the Meaning of Life [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2018, Pages 109-134]
Sokhandan Asl, Ashraf
The Effectiveness of Quran Recitation Software on Academic Motivation and the Learning of Religious Concepts among Female Fourth Grade Elementary School Students [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 87-104]
Soleimani, Ali Akbar
The Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Therapy with and without the Use of Tales of Masnavi on the Opposing Women's Mental Health [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2014, Pages 129-152]
Soltan Hosseini, Mohammad
Study of the Relationship between Sport Ethics and Religious Beliefs as an Element of Spiritual Intelligence [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 99-110]
Soltanipour, Masoomeh
The Construction and Validation of Family Attitude Questionnaire Based on Islamic Sources [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 173-190]
Soudani, Mansour
The Making and Validation of a Scale for Measuring the Religious Matrimony Style [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 7-26]
T, A
The Development of Social and Psychological Capitals in the Light of Islamic Life Style [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 27-56]
Tabik, Mohammad Taqi
Relation between "religious motive" and "knowledge of self" with "ethical values" [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 135-148]
Tabrizian, Faezeh
Gratitude-Based Hope Training Package Based on Islamic Sources and Evaluating Its Feasibility to Increase Life Satisfaction [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2021, Pages 75-93]
Taghavi-Nasab, Najmeh
Mental health principles from Sahifeh Sajjadieh perspective [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 75-95]
Taghian, Hasan
Renormalizing the Questionnaire of Family Efficiency Measurement Using Item Response Theory [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 99-117]
Taghian, Hassan
Constructing and Validating a Questionnaire to Assess the Psychological Boundaries of the Family Based on the Holy Quran [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 7-29]
Taghvaei, Davood
The Comparison between General Health and Psychological Well-Being among Women-Headed Households with and without Temporary Marriage [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 65-86]
Taherifard, Ahmad
The Investigation into the Effectiveness of Group Counseling by Means of Monotheistic Integrated Therapy on the Male Prisoners' Adaptation [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 127-144]
Taji, Maryam
A study of relationship between religiousness aspects and happiness of students of Isfahan Girls' High Schools [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 45-58]
Talebi, Erfan
Developing a model of religious commitment based on the style of attachment to God with the mediating role of the mental image of God [(Articles in Press)]
Tarahomiasl, Amin
A Systematic Research and Meta-Synthesis of Studies on the Why of Islamic Psychology School [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 105-124]
Tashakori, Narjes
Suffering statistics and spiritual needs assessment of female heads of households in Bandar Anzali [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2024, Pages 163-185]
Tavakkoli, Mahgol
The Relationship between Different Dimensions of Religiosity and Moral Identity in Students of Isfahan University [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 65-77]
Tavakoli, Soudeh
Childbearing from the Perspective of Married Women with an Emphasis on Religious Attitudes [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 107-130]
Tayeb Husseini, Seyed Mahmoud
A Psychological Analysis of Quranic Verses as One of the Components of the Literary School (Contemporary) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 53-73]
Thanaguee, Mohammad
Relationship between "Marital Satisfaction" and "Communication Patterns of Couples" [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 57-77]
Torkashvand, Javad
A Psychological Analysis of Nashouz and the Triple Solutions in Quran [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 133-152]
Vahdati, Hojjat
Identifying the Dimensions of the Needs of the Spiritual Life of Human Resources in Sahifa Sajadieh [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 227-253]
Ya'qoubi Doust, Mahmoud
Investigating the relation between "Parents' level of religiosity" and "their violent behavior towards their children" [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 69-94]
Yazdani, mohammad
A Meta-Analysis of Spiritual Intelligence Studies [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2017, Pages 149-175]
Yonesi, seyyed Jalal
Principles and structure of "Islamic couple therapy" [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 37-68]
Zamani, Nayyereh
Anger Management Based on Religious Teachings and Modern Psychology [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 43-63]
Zamani, Sareh
Developing a model of religious commitment based on the style of attachment to God with the mediating role of the mental image of God [(Articles in Press)]
Zamani Moghadam, Afsaneh
The Role of Urban Management in Promoting the Citizens' Islamic-Iranian Life Style [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 27-56]
Zare'i, Haidar Ali
Determining the Relationship between Religiosity and Psychological Hardness [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 63-74]
Zareei Toupkhaneh, Mohammad
The Relationship between the Structure of Patriarchal Authority in the Individual's Family of Origin and the Efficiency of Family [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 135-150]
Zare Mirak abad, azam
Designing an Educational Package of Islamic Happiness and Its Feasibility in the Dimensions of Psychological Resilience of Couples with Marital Conflicts [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 155-177]
An Investigation into the Relationship between Altruistic Personality and the Sense of Self-Worth with the Mediation of Spiritual Intelligence among Students of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 7-37]
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